Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We're Live!

Well the first step in my Scope That Colon! Initiative is up and running with a blog.
Please tell everyone to check it out. It could save a life.

We're Live!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Well things are really about to change now...

Last week was a rough one here at our house.
Saturday morning we call the call we never wanted to get, but knew was coming. My father-in-law passed away. He was a really great guy (he bought me my TIG welder, as a matter of fact). He was a great guy.... R.I.P. "Pap", you'll be missed.
Then on Monday I went in for what seemed to be a standard colonoscopy. Turns out I have colon cancer. Really not the thing I wanted to hear.
Well anyways, Steel Stew is going to be put on the back burned for now. I have bigger fish to fry right now.
Look here for a link for my new blog I plan to start soon..."Scope That Colon" is the working title...think "Livestrong" on mountain bikes.....

Monday, January 4, 2010

What the hell happened to ya????

Well that's a really good question. The answer, I don't know.
Last few months have kind of been a wash bike and build wise.
One thing I've learned about TIGing, is that you have to practice quite often, and I haven't had the time (or maybe the desire) to just sit and run beads.
A couple of times it's gotten to the point of me wanting to sell the welder and just move on (you all saw all the "what bike?" type of posts I've been laying out on MTBR).
Personality wise I have to big problems in regards to welding.
One is that I have absolutely no patience. I want to be able to weld yesterday, not down the road.
Second is that I'm really bad at dealing with tedium. This is a huge downfall that's come back to bite me in the ass in the past.
Well after long quite walks along the beach, hitting up some cross races, and discussing things with the boss lady, I've decided to keep plugging away.
We're working on a schedule that will allow me to get in the garage earlier than "after the kids go to bed" and maybe even get me in some training time.
Training time? Yep, you heard that right... Root 66 is going to feel the wrath off Toddre this year, too.
No new bike, just run the trusty Inbred with some new bling to be ordered up soon.
So 2010 is is here, new attitude, new rides and hopefully a few hand built frames.
Wish me luck!

P.S.... I promise to post and learn how to use a digital camera too, this year...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Two things I suck at..

Welding and updating this blog.
The ear infection is still lingering...nothing like hearing your pulse throb inside your head!
I've had three operations on them, hopefully this doesn't cause a need for another.
Thinking I'll get back behind the hood this week end and really hit the practice hard next week. Then damn it, I'll just start building after that.
What the well, we have good health insurance...

Friday, March 20, 2009


Nothing like an ear infection to follow up the flu...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The flu sucks !!!

It's ravaged our household for the last few days.